About The Artist

Jayne Carney is an award winning photographer and digital artist now based in North Carolina.
I started developing my skills as a photographer and digital artist in 2005. While starting out as a lifestyle family photographer, I discovered my love for nature and wildlife photography and transforming my photos into artwork using textures, filters and my Wacom board for digital painting.
I've lived in MA, FL and now NC, which has given me so many opportunities to enjoy the wildlife, birds and beautiful scenery whenever I find the time to get outside.
Fun Facts
​website designer, owner of Blue Heron Support
bird nerd and bird lover (especially Blue Herons!)
former Zumba® instructor, Comptroller and Bank Officer
Awards and Sightings
4/4/2022 Otter images used for a wildlife article in The Pilot Newspaper NC
2017 "Blue Spruce" photo chosen for the 2018 MA Town Planner Calendar
2016 "Weathering the Storm" photo chosen for the 2017 MA Town Planner Calendar
2015: "Valentine Roses" photo chosen for the 2016 MA Town Planner Calendar
NOV-DEC 2014: Three "birds in flight" pieces chosen for the Juried Art Exhibit - Natick, MA Community Senior Center with a theme of "Motion"
AUG 2014: Three pieces accepted into the Juried Art Show at the Amazing Things Arts Center in Framingham, MA with a 3rd Place Finish Award for "Rowboat Blues".
2014: "Sign of Spring" photo chosen for the 2014 MA Town Planner Calendar
2013: Mass Audubon's 2012 Your Great Outdoors - winner in the Artistically Modified category. Framed photos of all winners' shots were on display at Mass Audubon Wildlife Sanctuaries throughout 2013